What Happens During a Submarine Implosion When a submarine is subjected to extreme pressure, it can lead to an implosion. During an implosion, the submarine’s hull collapses inward, causing catastrophic damage to the vessel and its crew. Submarine implosions are rare but can occur due to a variety of reasons, including design flaws, human error, or external factors such as depth charges. Understanding the causes and effects of submarine implosions is crucial to improving the safety of submarines and their crews. Researchers use modeling and simulation to study how submarines withstand implosions and to identify potential design flaws or vulnerabilities. By learning more about the physics of submarine implosions, engineers can develop stronger and more resilient submarine hulls that can withstand extreme pressure at greater depths. Understanding Submarine Implosion Submarine implosion is a catastrophic event that occurs when the external water pressure exceeds the internal pressure of t...