Fake goods also called knockoffs, replicas, imitations, counterfeit, and “designer inspired” items are on eBay and Amazon in droves, mostly because sellers don’t know any better.
Beware of Fake WiFiBlast on Ebay and Amazon
Regardless of the name you use to identify counterfeit goods, they’re becoming more and more commonplace on the internet, and not just on eBay and Amazon. Counterfeit goods can be found on the street, on eBay, thrift stores, Facebook groups, Craigslist, garage sales, church sales, and consignment shops.
Why Is It Wrong to Sell Counterfeit Items?Nobody is getting hurt, right? Well, maybe not directly but the counterfeit industry fuels other underground and illegal activities including hacking, prostitution, human trafficking, weapons, child labor, gangs, and street drugs. When you buy a counterfeit item, you are supporting all kinds of illegal activities.
Difference Between Original WiFiBlast and Counterfeit and Knockoffs? WiFiBlasts International, explains the difference this way: “Counterfeit wifiblast range extender pretend to be the real thing. They use the exact same brand or trademark logo or signature symbol, like the Nike swoosh, or the Coach logo. They are intentionally trying to make the buyer believe the item is authentic.”
In other words, knockoffs imitate the look of a wifiblast but don’t steal the exact logo or symbol to deliberately deceive the buyer. Examples could be a Chinese brand made to look similar to a WiFiBlast brand. Not exact, but close to the more expensive brand it is copying.
How Do Fakes End up on eBay? Notably, eBay is saturated with counterfeit goods for a few reasons:
Sellers honestly don’t know any better. They think that if they put a disclaimer on their listing that the item is a knock-off, that is acceptable. It isn’t. Sellers don’t know the item is fake. Cell Phone Signal Booster, Dual Band AC 1200Mbps WiFi Repeater are the most counterfeited items. Sellers know exactly what they are doing and don’t think they will get caught.
Although eBay does not allow sellers to offer knockoff wifi range boosters, they show up on eBay because it is impossible for eBay to review every single new listing. Millions of items are posted each day. Evaluating every single item to see if it is counterfeit just isn’t possible.
However, sellers who are caught selling imitation items can and do have their listings removed from eBay and may even be banned from selling on the platform altogether.
How to Tell If a WiFiBlast Is Counterfeit?To identify a counterfeit WiFiBlast, look at all the pictures. Is the power button off-center? Like on a fake WiFiBlast, the “power button” will be center, tilted a little bit, or just look like shoddy construction. Legitimate WiFiBlast will have power button off-center on the front. Examine photos closely. Ask the seller if the images they have uploaded to eBay are of the actual wifi range booster you’re buying. If you’re not sure about anything, ask for more pictures—legitimate sellers will be happy to show you more.
You can also ask the seller to show you proof of authenticity. They should be able to show you a copy of their receipt or similar paperwork. If the receipt does not come from WiFiBlasts International or one of its reputable dealer, Fedlan.com, it may be fake. Always do your research on the seller. Examine their feedback and their selling history.
If You Receive a Counterfeit Item from an eBay SellerIntent does not matter. If the item is fake, you have recourse:
Contact the seller and tell them. The seller may not even know. The seller should offer you a full refund. If they want the item back, they need to pay return shipping.
If the seller does not cooperate, you are covered under the eBay Guarantee, because you received an item that does not match the seller’s description. Open a return stating that the item you received is counterfeit, and eBay will take it from there.
Of course, eBay wants buyers to have a positive experience and return to do more business. This is why they offer the eBay Guarantee, which states, “Get the item you ordered or your money back.”
Low-Priced eBay Products From China May Not Be a Good Deal.
How Sellers Can Avoid Bad Situations on eBay? Buy directly from: www.wifiblasts.com.
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